Multi Finance Next-generation, community-oriented, fully decentralized DeFi project

What is Multi Finance

Welcome to Multi Finance Ecosystem which brings you the trending project and the chance of the lifetime to enlarge your wallet.

Multi Finance is a leading MLM (Multi Level Marketing) defi protocol that pays holders up to 636,713.69% APY.

Why Multi Finance?

Sustainable APY: 636,71.69% APY

Leading MLM systems in defi 3.0 auto-staking auto-compounding protocol.

Reasonable trading fees: 10% for buying and 10% for selling.

Daily Sure-Win Lottery.

Unlimited amount of Marketing Funds.

Experienced dev and marketing teams.


What’s more about Multi Finance Protocol: 

These will be updating day by day for your expanding portfolios.

Sure-Win Lottery.

MultiSwap: DEX + CEX combination.

MultiLink W3: With the mission to become the multi networks allowing the integration of real-life data into smart contracts to attract the attention of many trusted data providers sell access to data directly to MultiLink W3. 

Watch-to-earn trend follower: Your Hobby – Your Earning. Based on your consumption, we create a platform on which, just by watching videos or listening to your favorite music and making money from it.


🔗Phase 1:

Core team gathering

Multi Finance Ecosystem concept 

Social media establishment 

Whitepaper document 

Marketing strategies outline 

Airdrop and bounty campaign

🔗Phase 2:

Smart Contract deployment( Tesnet and Mainnet) 

KYC + Audit process completion by Cyberscope

Marketing Pushing

Rebase reward function releasing

Fair Launch on PinkSale

CoinMarketCap Listing

Sure – Win Lottery

Referral mechanism showing-up

3000 holders target

🔗Phase 3:

PCS listing

5000 Holders reaching

50.000 memebers in the Community

CoinGecko listing

Partnerships facilitating

🔗Phase 4:

Watch-To-Earn/NFT collection (beta)

7000 holders

Small and medium Exchanges $MLM listing

MUSD Stablecoin testnet

MultiLink W3 outline


🔗Phase 5:

10000 holders

Webite Updating

Watch-To-Earn/NFT collection full version

MUSD Stablecoin releasing

Multiswap full feature releasing

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Username: siletireng99

Profile Link:;u=3434102

Crypto world

Progressive Free 2 Play + Play 2 Earn Fantasy Fight Game with its own Exclusive NFT Collection

a Fantastic Voyage like Never Before Seen with Some Faces You might find Familiar

On Blockchain with Tournaments, Rewards and True In Game Assets Ownership

10,000 Exclusive, Hand drawn Limited edition SUPER RARE NFTs with Legendary Crypto Heroes showcased in different settings as Masterpieces on Ethereum & Keys to Alice In Crypto World Fight Game that earns you more!

Unique Alice features — dresses, masks, hairstyles, etc. — alongside rarity on backgrounds, frames, all you can see and so much more, like Chess Signs to empower you even more in play mode!


There is a Cybertruck on 1 of the NFTs


There are 5 Alice NFTs with Bitcoin Logo

to win in total $60,000 in Bitcoin

Also, 11 NFTs with Ethereum Logo on them

to win in total $50,000 in Ethereum

Plus, 75 BNB Valued 15 NFTs with L´ile logo to win more!

Upon your first mint, receive your referral link, share to win FREE MINTS fast & easy!

Don’t miss out on Automated Airdrops + L’ile / $ISLAND Rewards, too!

Staking options, buybacks and beyond; check our Roadmap below!

Trade your Alice NFTs on OpenSea!


— FIRST 250 NFTs will be minted as low as 0.05 ETH!

MINTING — 17 May 2022 Tuesday 6AM GMT

  • You can mint 10 pieces once & have 200 pieces max in a wallet.

ALICW 🍀 $ALICW Token Presale — 19 May 2022 on PinkSale

More information is on our site

Join Alice´s Official Telegram Group:

Alice is a part of The ISLAND:

The ISLAND Twitter:

The ISLAND Telegram:

Alice is also a Partner of UNICORNIA:

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Forum Username: siletireng99

Forum Profile Link:;u=3434102

Telegram Username: @siletireng99

Wallet Address: 0x9684700600F91536E04DCa2356996f65350a6942


Automated monetary frameworks implies supplanting manual cycles with mechanized ones, which brings about smoother processes. Rather than being dialed back by manual, mistake inclined processes, monetary cycle mechanization speeds up systems and recoveries you time. DeFi draws motivation from blockchain, the innovation behind the advanced cash bitcoin, which permits a few elements to hold a duplicate of a background marked by exchanges, meaning it isn’t constrained by a solitary, focal source. That is significant on the grounds that unified frameworks and human guards can restrict the speed and complexity of exchanges while offering clients less immediate command over their cash. DeFi is unmistakable in light of the fact that it grows the utilization of blockchain from basic worth exchange to more complicated monetary use cases.


Aufin Protocol is abbreviated type of Automatic Financial, a convention that gives a decentralized monetary resource which rewards clients with a supportable repaired accumulate interest to 480,419.00% for the initial a year. Aufin Protocol is changing DeFi with the Aufin Autostaking Protocol that conveys the business’ most noteworthy fixed APY, rebasing rewards like clockwork, and a basic purchase hold-procure framework that develops your portfolio in your wallet.

Benefit Token Holder

Aufin zeroed in on DeFi development that makes advantages and an incentive for Aufin token holders. Here are a few advantages for holders of $AUN:

– Okay with the Aufin Insurance — 5% of all exchanging charges are put away in The Aufin Insurance which supports and back the marking awards by keeping up with cost solidness and significantly decreasing drawback risk.

– Simple and Safe Staking — The Aufin token generally remains in your wallet so it needn’t bother with to be placed under the control of an outsider or concentrated power. You should simply purchase and hold as you consequently get prizes in your own wallet so there’s not any more muddled marking processes by any means.

– Interest Yield with Automatic Payments — You really want not be stress over having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid naturally and accumulated in your own wallet, promising you won’t ever miss an installment.

– Most noteworthy Fixed APY — Aufin pays out at 480,419.00% in the initial a year which rivals anything in the DeFi field to date. After the initial a year the loan cost drops over an Epoch.

– Quick Interest Payments — The Aufin Protocol pays each Aufin Token holder every single 10 minutes or multiple times every day, making it the quickest auto-building convention in crypto.

– Auto Token Burn — One of the astonishing elements of the Aufin Protocol is a programmed symbolic consume framework named “The Aufin Fireplace” which forestalls flowing inventory going crazy and becoming unmanageable. The Fireplace consumes 2.5% out of all Aufin Token market deals and is singed in a similar individual exchange.

The Aufin Insurance guards holders by:

– Keeping away from streak crash through cost solidness

– Accomplishing long haul manageability and future development of the Aufin Protocol

– Extraordinarily decreasing drawback risk

Protection Address: 0x9Cb8d953d13A8D9CC867BfE057e077C6C8e09F64

The Aufin Treasury

The Aufin Treasury assumes a vital part in Aufin Protocol. It gives three incredibly basic capacities to the development and manageability of Aufin. The depository can become significant in case of an outrageous value drop of the $AUN token or unanticipated dark swan occasion. It assists with laying out a story an incentive for the $AUN token. The depository gives subsidizing to promoting, development hacking the Aufin people group. The depository will be utilized to subsidize new Aufin items, administrations, and tasks that will grow and offer more benefit to the local area.

Depository address: 0xec9aBe02586fE5CabF8700997e607d4B80516064

The Aufin Fireplace

2.5% of all $AUN exchanged are scorched in The Aufin Fireplace. The more $AUN is exchanged, the more get placed into the fire making the chimney fill in size, increasingly large through unavoidable Auto Compounding, lessening the flowing stockpile and keeping the Aufin Protocol stable. The other advantage to a never-ending consume of circling supply is that because of its deflationary idea, compares to a higher worth of each $SAUN token, along these lines expanding the singular worth.

Chimney address: 0xf26f15B215570C5450f97b748Bbd71C9cc212a51

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity

At regular intervals, the Aufin Auto-Liquidity will infuse programmed liquidity into the market. On each trade request there is a 4% assessment charge that naturally gets put away into an Auto-LP wallet and incorporated into our convention’s shrewd agreement is the system which adroitly takes the half of how much $AUN put away in the wallet, and will consequently purchase $BNB at the present market cost.

The Aufin Auto-Liquidity will do this like clockwork by adding increasingly more liquidity to the pool which will permit $AUN token holders to effectively sell their tokens at whenever with next to zero market slippage. It will likewise support keeping up with convention soundness to ensure the APY is maintained for the whole existence of The Aufin Protocol.

Auto-Liquidity address: 0x85CD20D9Fb8f9d11Dc43C17cD399794eCE7b184E

Tokenomics $AUN is a BEP-20 token with a flexible stock that rewards holders utilizing a positive rebase equation. – Programmed LP 4% of the exchanging charges return to the liquidity guaranteeing expanding security esteem. – Risk Free Value 5% of the exchanging expenses are diverted to the Aufin protection which supports and back the marking rewards given by the positive rebase. – Depository 2.5% of the buys and 4.5% of the deals go straightforwardly to the depository which upholds the Aufin protection. Link Buy :

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Forum Profile Link:;u=3434102

Telegram Username: @siletireng99

Wallet Address: 0x9684700600F91536E04DCa2356996f65350a6942


About Darth : This is very nice project and his quality is satisfy. I believed that this project is successful very quickly and great for us. I hope, it will be success for future plan. Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trusted. You can see there mission and vision.

Mission and Vision: This is a fantastic initiative that will only get better. This is the best tool; they’ve made significant progress in the creation and application of blockchain.

The project supported by experienced and highly qualified team, which in my opinion is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest possible time and I hope they succeed. The one significant quality, which makes blockchain technology a revolutionary product is its decentralization. Decentralization refers to a system with no intermediary authority like a banking or financial body, and it distributes the right of authority from a single entity to multiple individuals. Still, many investors and traders have been investing in digital currency through centralized exchanges, which is not following the blockchain controls everything from funds to transactions. To get rid of this exchange intermediary, decentralized exchanges were developed which require no entity to process the transaction.

This project is give us a very Good profit. I see more person joining everyday, it is indeed good for the platform. Awesome and wonderful trading project, keep the good work .

Cryptocurrencies and digital assets have seen a boom in the previous few years. Anyone who has missed out on buying any of the currencies is now regretting it. If you do not have enough capital to invest in shining coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are still plenty of ways you can enter the blockchain and crypto market. You can even create your token or coin if you have a unique concept that involves the use of blockchain.

This project has a great team always giving creative ideas. so it deserves the attention of people from all over the world. This is really very cool and strong project with great facilities. I hope this project will achieve more success. We will be happy to see the achievements and results of this excellent project.

How to work Darth : Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trust Project is very good . I am sure this project later when launching will be a lot of its enthusiasts because this project has a solid team structure and trusted. This рrоjeсt is оne оf the mоst сreative and revоlutiоnary amоng all оther! рleasure I will watсh оut. In my орiniоn оne оf the best рrоjeсts.

Most of us have known blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and major companies. But blockchain isn’t limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry that deals with information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize the operations without relying on any authority to control data.

This project, and the team has built a strong community with great potential. Good luck project. A great project with a very cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users are raising serious concerns about the network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from the increasing trade of cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance is also increasing the burden on these networks. The promising nature of blockchains as led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on the already congested blockchains.

more info :








Forum Username: siletireng99

Forum Profile Link:;u=3434102

Telegram Username: @siletireng99

Wallet Address: 0x9684700600F91536E04DCa2356996f65350a6942

fLibero review

fLibero is positioned to lead a revolution in DeFi with the fLibero Autostaking Protocol or FAP, a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and gives $FLIBERO token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

What is a Rebase Token?

A Rebase Token is one whose circulating supply expands or contracts due to changes in the token price. This increase or decrease in supply works with a mechanism called rebasing. When a rebase occurs, the supply of the token is increased or decreased algorithmically, based on the current price of each token.

fLibero’s FAP takes advantage of a positive rebase formula which increases the token supply allowing $fLIBERO holders to keep growing their tokens, like in a traditional staking protocol. However our use of a rebasing token eliminates the need to approve and traditionally stake your tokens.

The positive rebase is backed by a fLibero Insurance Treasury which is ensured and supported by the token’s buy and sell fees and Defi 3.0 multichain farming.

FAP gives the fLibero token automatic staking and compounding features, and the highest Fixed APY in the market 159,058.06%, a daily ROI (Return On Investment) of 2.04%.

fLibero team are a diverse group of highly skilled developers, security experts, viral marketers, and professional yield farmers, having profound experience in defi & farming. We have been analyzing all the successful products in the Defi space and are exciting to bring something new, and innovative to the market. Though our goals are high, we are aware of potential downfalls and our team has exhaustively studied what causes projects in the DeFi space to implode, to combat this, we have subsequently implemented redundancies and safety measures in both the contracts and the tokenomics to prevent attack vectors, single-source oracle exploits, possible minting & rug codes and other issues that could potentially stop a project in its tracks.

Backing us through the rain or shine is our strategic investor, who have a strong financial base, as well as a resilient and tested user base support, they have a famous community of diamond hands investors (61,893++ holders) & phenomenal, diverse and engaging communities spread all around the globe (currently, 18 local groups & 300,000 members in total). We have a direct advisory board comprised of core members of the Thoreum capital team.

Our competent team has the knowledge, drive, and aptitude, capable of scaling fLibero to the moon, and beyond. From deep knowledge of farming & defi, to unparalleled viral marketing execution, and robust influencer connections with fail-safe digital marketing strategies, the team at fLibero is on a mission to make fLibero the game changing Defi project in the crypto space, opening up a new era of Defi 3.0 & Fixed APY.

The fLibero team focused on innovation that creates benefits and value for fLibero token holders. The FAP protocol which is used in the fLibero token gives exceptional benefits for holders of $FLIBERO:

Easy and Safe — We provide auto staking, right in your wallet, when you purchase $FLIBERO, therefore, there is no need to move your tokens to our website. From the minute you buy, you are staked, and set to receive rebase rewards. The easiest auto-staking in DeFi.

159,058.06% APY, the highest Fixed APY on all blockchains — APYs that fluctuate means you can never tell how many tokens you will receive. Other DeFi protocols pay out a high APY that can fluctuate by 90% in a day. FAP pays $FLIBERO holders a fixed interest rate of 2.04% daily or with compounding 159,058.06% annually, which tops the industry.

Fast Rebase Rewards every 10 minutes — Other popular staking protocols pay rebasing rewards every 8 hours which means if you want to unstake you have to time it to get maximum rewards. The fLibero Auto-staking Protocol pays every 10 minutes or 144 times every day, making it the fastest auto-staking protocol in crypto.

Price floor supported by Defi 3.0 multichain farming profit — We will use the buy&sell tax to create the fLibero Insurance Treasury fund and the treasury fund to multichain farming. The LIT funds are bridged to other EVM-compatible blockchains — like Avalanche, Fantom, Solana, Metis, Polygon, farm at the highest APY farms and the profit returned to the LIT fund. We aim to deliver ~50% additional returns a year or more to better support FLIBERO price floor. We are confident that we can support 50% higher APY than other high APY projects while still be sustainable.

The FAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It also uses game theory and human nature to determine the most likely habits of those who buy the token. Our development team has coordinated all of these elements so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple, and elegant, staking and rewards system for $FLIBERO holders.

The FAP is as flexible as it is powerful and will be used as the foundation for a range of fLibero products, services, and projects going forward. Each will transform a different area of crypto.

How does the AutoStake feature work?

The FAP AutoStake feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, that provides the ultimate ease of use for $fLIBERO holders.

Buy-Hold-Earn — By simply buying $fLIBERO and holding the token in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards directly into your wallet. Your tokens will increase every 10 minutes.

Using a Positive Rebase formula, fLibero makes it possible for daily token distribution directly proportional to the daily rebase rewards, worth 2.04% of the total amount of tokens a $fLIBERO token held in your wallet. The rebase rewards are distributed on each epoch (rebase period) to all $fLIBERO holders. This means that without moving their tokens from their wallet, fLibero holders receive an annual compound interest of 159,058.06%.

What is a positive rebase token?

Positive rebase tokens have an ever increasing circulating supply. The idea is that instead of price volatility, what changes is the token supply through events called rebases.

When a rebase occurs, the supply of the token is increased algorithmically, based on the current supply of the token.

Wait, aren’t many cryptocurrencies operating with a changing supply? Yes, somewhat. Currently, 6.25 new BTC is minted with every block. After the 2024 halving, this is going to be reduced to 3.125 per block. It is a predictable rate, so we can estimate how much BTC will exist next year or after the next halving. Supply-elastic tokens work differently. As mentioned, the rebasing mechanism adjusts the token circulating supply periodically. What does this mean from a practical standpoint? The amount of tokens in user wallets changes if a rebase occurs. The idea is that your holdings proportional to the total supply haven’t changed with the rebase. If you had 1% of the supply before the rebase, you should still have 1% after it, even if the number of coins in your wallet has changed. In essence,you retain your share of the network no matter what the price is.

What is the Treasury?

The Treasury plays a very important role in fLibero’s FAP protocol. It provides for the growth and sustainability of fLibero.

The treasury is used to back the FIT, to fund new fLibero products, services, and projects that will expand and build up the FAP use cases and fLibero economy.

More importantly, the treasury provides funding for marketing fLibero.

What is APY?

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal tokens amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of, your $fLIBERO tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event (Every 10 minutes).

Your new principal amount is your then current fLibero token amount, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount is what gets calculated for your next rebase rewards.

One interesting fact about APY is that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time! Assuming a daily compound interest of 2.04%, if you start with a balance of 1 $fLIBERO on day 1, after a year, your balance will grow to about 1,590.5806 $fLIBERO. That is the power of compound interest!

How is the APY Backed?

fLibero has integrated a solid fLibero Insurance Treasury (FIT) structure which takes advantage of the trading volume fees in order to back the staking rewards (rebase rewards) when the FTM/LIBERO pair supply is worth over 50% of the total supply.

Added to that, FIT fund will be bridge to multichain farming with ~100% profit/year and the profit is used to buyback/burn to support fLIBERO price. That’s why we are confident that we can support 50% higher APY than TITANO or other high APY projects while still sustainable.


When the daily FIT gains are greater than or equal to all the Holders Daily ROI, this mean that the Swap Threshold can fill the plus-value generated from the Rebase Rewards.

How is the APY calculated?

The APY is calculated from the reward yield (a.k.a. rebase rate) using the following equation:

It raises to the power of 52,560.00 because a rebase happens 144 times daily. Consider there are 365 days in a year, this would give a rebase frequency of 365 * 144 = 52,560.00

APY = (1 + rewardYield)⁵²,560.00


FLibero smart contract: (to be announced) $fLIBERO is a ERC20 token with an elastic supply which rewards its holders with a positive rebase formula, thus creating the first AutoStaking and AutoCompouning token backed by Defi 3.0 multichain farming.


Burn Fund: 10%. Will be used to burn 1–4% of total supply every week.

Strategic partnership fund: 10% (Exchanges listing, future investors, LIBERO BNBChain and other chains cross-ownership…).

Team: 10%. Vesting 0.5% weekly (~5 months fully vested)

Marketing: 5%.

Public sale: 37.78%.

Liquidity: 20%.

ITO fee: 2%.

Mining/Bonding Incentive Fund: In case not all tokens are sold at presale, 2% will be used for holder’s mining/bonding incentive program, the tokens left will be burned.

Transfer tax

Transfer Fee: 14%

Buy & Sell Fee:

Buy Fee 14% — Sell Fee: 20%

After fLibero Bank feature released, % will change

Slippage: 17%-25% on SpookySwap. AutoSlippage on ThoreumExchange & DexTools

After SpookySwap launch at 14:00 UTC today Mar 30, you can buy fLibero on:

Fantom Thoreum Exchange: (auto slippage)

Dextools: (auto slippage)

SpookySwap (💸 Slippage Buy 17% — Sell 25%)

Transfer tax in details:

1. Buy Trading Fees: 14%

5% — FIT (FLibero Insurance Treasury).

4% — Liquidity Sustain.

3% — Marketing & Development Fund

2% — Black hole burn

2% — USDC for xFLIBERO Bank passive income stakers. (Future implementation)

2. Sell Trading Fees: 20%

9% — FIT (FLibeo Insurance Treasury).

4% — Liquidity Sustain.

5% — Marketing & Development Fund

2% — Black hole burn

5% — USDC for xFLIBERO Bank passive income stakers (Future implementation)

Your token Double After 34.5 days by auto-compounding 2.04% Dev & Marketing Fund . So actually 0 fee if you hold long enough.

fLibero Audit


Audited by Thoreum Auditing team

KYC by Thoreum team

Audited by RugFreeCoins Auditing team

Over $6.4 Million USD Liquidity includes both FLIBERO and WFTM value from LP total created on Spookyswap:

Liquidity locked on DxSale:

Dx – Token Management Made SimpleEdit description


This is not a roadmap: It’s a to-do list Crypto moves fast, and we move fast too. Pivoting is a way of life. That means that we don’t publicly commit to specific timelines, so we can organize our development priorities based on market changes

Presale on THOREUM ITO Platform

Pre-Launch Marketing

Internal Audit

Dashboard Stress Test

Multi Community Creation

Multi Language Website/Docs

Multi Language Docs

Youtube Marketing Campaign

AMA Marketing Campaign

Coingecko Listing

Coinmarketcap Listing

Coin Trackers Listing

DappRadar Listing

Dashboard V2

Social Media Marketing

Expand Core Team

PR Marketing


On Ramp Integration

Development Mobile Application iOS and Android

Partnership DeFi

Cross-Chain Integration





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Medium: (Coming soon)



Facebook: (Coming soon)


author :

Forum Username: berak2000

Forum Profile Link:;u=3427132

Telegram Username: @berak2000

Wallet Address: 0x9582e445b57E6a70e1d390b188F671BE390E8406